Saturday, October 18, 2008

I've moved to

Most people start their re-entry to blogging with something like "it's been a long time...", backed up with excuses like "I have been busy for the last 3 months..."

In my case, I can't deny that the excuse is partially true, but the real reason I haven't been blogging is Facebook... and its posting capability!!! This totally rocks! Combined with Notes, posting and sharing is one of Facebook's most powerful tools...

What brought me back to blogging were two events... actually make that three...
1. Kapil's reentry with some smashing articles... he's a school senior of mine... and a person with an excellent insight into the Tamil and Indian persona. He's an avid blogger too, and had recently emerged from a blogging break, refreshed and ready...
2. The market is raping me... and as a result of the time I get to myself by willing myself not to look at my stocks, I have been trying a few things... and blogging is one of them.
3. Two pieces of feedback from Facebook and a blog comment that sort of implied that I am not as bad a blogger as I thought myself to be.