Tuesday, October 23, 2007

In perspective

I thought my last month was really crazy... then I took a look at the news...

First, Putin visited Iran, and promised his support for the nuclear reactors, probably making Russia the only 'Western' power Iran can have as a friend. What did he get in return? Death threats from suicide bombers.

In Nebraska, God has been hit with a lawsuit by a moron, who accuses Him of killing "millions upon millions" of people among other things. And God got his own attorney when other religious zealots thought this too good to pass.

The Chinese have apparently been confused by law and rhetoric. Anything that a Chinese premier says once in five years is now included in the Constitution... as law. It includes pseudo-economic theories, Martha Stewartesque tips on how to live, heck I bet a speech on hamsters playing guitars would have been immortalized if it was delivered by the premier.

But the icing on the cake was a really juicy piece...
The deputy mayor of Delhi was killed by... wait for it....


Apparently the urban pests jumped on him en masse when he came out to the terrace to chill out. Last word was he was chilling out in an ice box getting ready to burn.

Time to start digging out those Planet of the apes CDs... you never know when one of those 'survival tricks' may come in handy.

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