Tuesday, April 24, 2007

An eye for other eyes

A bionic eye could potentially restore sight

No shit!! And I thot it was just about the cool factor! That's what eyes are supposed to do stupid!!

But, really, bionic eyes would be be damn useful!!! Especially the wireless variety... it could come in real handy (no pun intended).

Some people twiddle fingers and pencils when they are bored. I could just pop out my eyeball and roll it around my hands. Oh come on... don't roll your eyes... roll mine!

Mobile communication would reach its zenith... The new Nokia 9090i ... and by 'i', we really mean it! Pop your eye out, stick it to the top right corner of the phone, and ... voila!! video conferencing on the move....

Lesser compliments for babies.. "The baby has a such a photogenic face.." - "Yeah, and soon he'll have photographic eyes too!!"

Voyeurs will be looking ahead to the time when the bionic eye hits eBay. "Uh..my eye feels itchy... CLICK"

Romance would seriously be hindered... "Honey, I will be away for a year... I wonder if you'll remember my face when I am back.." - "No problem, Srini... just say Cheese!" CLICK ... "Well then... catchya later!!"

The possibilities are endless.
Your colleague just patted your back? Wanna check for a kick-me sticker? No probs... pop it out and go for a 360' view.
Always cocking an ear for footsteps near your cubicle? Now make sure!

Marketing is gonna love this!!
" Irritating coworkers? Get the all new Medusa!! Guaranteed for 2000 frying looks . Rechargeable."
" Got a great poker face, but still manage to lose? Get PokerEye. Find out what cards the others have!!"
" Have shitloads of money? Here's quality for you! 24k Goldeneye Classic. Doesn't do shit, but then you've got money to blow!"
" Fancied yourself as a sailor? Inroducing the iEye Captain!! Built in telescope and sextant. Try the periscope software update today!! "
"Mirror mirror on the wall... You are not needed now at all.. Get a first hand experience of how you look... Today!!"

Conversation will be richer!!
"Dude, can you just keep an eye on these documents?" - "Ok, sure.." - "I meant as a paperweight"

Sorry chumps will have a new way of getting thumped:
"Where do you see bionic eyes on the ground?"
- "Beats me!"
"Under the Eiffel tower... hahhahhah... got you!!"

And think about the possibilities in sport. Lost your ping pong ball? No probs, a spare one's always there.

And don't buy all those stories of binocular vision helping in ping pong. It's all just clever marketing to sell you more bionic eyes...

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