Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sport for terrorism


To quote,

In (a) curious twist, some leaders of the sports-unfriendly Taleban ended up loving the game. So much so that Mullah Rabbani, one of its leaders, actually lobbied for the game's recognition by the Asian council.
In all fair game, why don't we invite our friendly neighborhood terrorists for a pitch sometimes? I bet those to-be-suicide-bombers would know the basics of rugby, lugging packages, dodging and feinting security tackles. Their life (or rather lack of) depends on it.

I bet cricket comes naturally to them. It can be played in your own style - nice and relaxed or fast and furious. It needs nothing except a ball, a long flat log and a mark on a tree trunk or a wall. They've been stoning the devil every Ramadan for quite some time now. Strategy is simple. Hit the ball where there ain't anyone. Put the people where the ball is being hit.

The rebel gets a cause, the cause doesn't hurt us and we get to know each other.

I know... you're welcome...

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